Zoiper is a free softphone to make VoIP calls through your PBX or favorite SIP provider– including Nautilus. It can run on different platforms, namely: macOS, Linux, Windows, iOS, Android, or even in a browser.
To be able to use the Nautilus phone, we suggest you use the Classic Zoiper for Windows, which you can download here. Please refer to the image below for reference.
Before installing this softphone, it's always important to take note of the SIP user name, password, and IP address of the phone server. The latter should be provided to you by the Nautilus team, making it easier for you to install and configure right away.
Installation Steps:
Once downloaded, you can follow the instructions below to install your Zoiper:
1) Open the Zoiper Installer.exe
2) Once it opens, click next all the way till you find the finish button
3) Once installed, this icon will appear on the desktop.
Then the Classic Zoiper phone will look like this:
Next, we can start to configure it with your phone!
Zoiper Phone Configuration:
1) Please click on the options button
2) Click on SIP accounts -> add new SIP account.
3) Key in your SIP account. (extension number)
4) Then, you can enter the information below to your Zoiper:
- Create a new sip account name: extension number of your Nautilus SIP
- Set Domain: {company-name}.nautilus.zone:12004
- Set username: extension number of your Nautilus SIP
- Set password: Password provided by the technician
- Set callerID Name: extension number of your Nautilus SIP
- Select 'Show advanced option'
- Select 'Use rport' and 'Use rport media'.
5) Select 'SIP options' submenu under Protocol options' menu.
6) Change the port number to 32XXX (port number that Nautilus gave you).
7) After setting that up, click Apply and OK.
8) On the front page of the phone, software click on the register button. When the account indicates registered as seen on the image below, that means your phone is ready to make telephone calls. 🎉🎉
To dial a number, just type in the phone number into the phone bar, then click the button or click enter.
Here below is detailed feature information for all the buttons inside the Zoiper:
Zoiper Audio Settings
1) Please click on the options button
2) Click on Audio options > Audio Devices
3) Make sure to select Microsoft Sound Mapper – Input and Microsoft Sound Mapper – Output for your input and output device
4) Make sure to enable the following:
- Echo cancellation
- Mic boost
- Automatic volume control
- Noise suppression
Managing Audio Settings on your PC
1) On the PC/laptop. Click on the Start button on your taskbar to open the menu, then go to Settings.
2) On Settings page, click on System
3) Click on Sound
4) Under Sound menu, scroll down to the bottom and click on App Volume and Device Preferences
5) Make sure that the Zoiper input and output value is set to Default. (Please note that once your headset is connected to your PC/laptop, Master Volume will show the audio device that is currently in use)
If you are experiencing an issue during the configuration process, please contact us through Live Chat or send us an email to support@nautilus-network.com. We'd be happy to help you!
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